My human is giving me grain-free dog food. So, yesterday she read that the FDA says grain free dog food may be harmful. https://www.fda.gov/animalveterinary/newsevents/cvmupdates/ucm613305.htm
I, though, wonder if this is true.
The FDA appears to be heavily influenced by special interests groups – the interests being PROFITS- and our being healthy is not profitable. (Pet owners spent 69.5 billion on us in 2017) On our present regimens we appear to be getting sicker by the day- just like our humans. Thing is, most of them are afraid to say much about this. Seems like a throat chakra issue. But I understand. The FDA is much like the GESTAPO.
Still, being that I’m a dog, my throat chakra is just fine.
And from what I can see, I don’t think the FDA is run by nice people. They encourage everybody to eat GMO foods and take pharmaceuticals but won’t allow anyone to tell the truth about what nutrients and/or energy work can do. If someone disobeys they may even pull out guns! Seriously! NOT TO MENTION - they have the power to take everything a person owns- freeze their assets, destroy their business- make it impossible to afford any defense (THEY seem to have plenty of money, though.) But we can’t JUDGE- that’s low energy- how about we just look at it as a game. (I'm a GOOD Oracle, right?) For starters, it turns out that one of our Bored of Directors was really a LOBBYIST! (yes, 6 million a DAY is spent on lobbyists!) We still love her, but must ignore her manipulative behavior, as in today’s video.
As you can see, she eventually comes around.
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Well, let's put it this way- how would YOU like to eat only cereal – over and over and over- for the rest of your life? My human thought that's what's supposed to happen, though. The VET said ONLY give me dog food. That's what these vets are taught in school. No home cooked meals for US...just inorganic, dehydrated food. This comes from CENTRAL PLANNING- you know, the corporate structure, who, it turns out, makes a lot of money off the processed stuff. But what about all the vet endorsements? it's part of the strategy- these vets are PAID for these endorsements by CENTRAL PLANNING. Meanwhile, my human was worried, because I was eating so little. She got to calling me PRANA DOG... ...but decided to read up on dog nutrition, and learned that dogs have the highest rate of cancer of all mammals. How could this BE, she thought. They aren't smoking, boozing, stressed out.. ...but 4x more likely to get breast cancer, 8x more likely to get bone cancer, and 35 more times to get skin cancer! Turns out it's mostly our FOOD. Just one example, that stuff from Round Up- glyphosate- is in most of the processed stuff. It's labeled as a possible carcinogen for humans but a DEFINTE carcinogen for US! (And, it's WORSE for puppies and small dogs. They have even HIGHER rates of terminal cancer because of this sort of toxicity.) So here we are- TRUSTING OUR HUMANS- while they feed us processed foods, load us up with vaccinations, and give us parasite prevention supplements that are OVER THE TOP toxic. In my opinion, it's DOG CRUELTY- we're being poisoned. My human has started to think about this. Now I have scrambled eggs, homemade cheese crackers, salmon patties, sardines, chicken...on TOP of a dog food called Stella and Chewey's. (It comes in a bag and is raw nutrition- high protein, gran free, and I LOVE it! Also, it looks like I don't need ANY supplements when I eat Stella and Chewey's. She's double-checking this, though.) The BORED OF DIRECTORS called an emergency meeting related to all this. It was almost UNANIMOUS- there was one hold out, a pup that had been planted on the bored by one of the dog food corporations. In spite of this, the motion to keep Central Planning away from our food PASSED! We are BORED of them! And that pup-we still love her. After all, she's young. AND (wish humans could figure this out) WE understand about loving. ![]() Today’s image is of Elee- who has a gift of tracking down RATS. (RATS are very smart, just not as smart as her.) She’s looking for the ones who are making DOG TREATS with toxins that can cause, among other things, kidney failure. But there are so many treats out there, what’s safe? Here’s what Elle has to say: Treats should be REAL food- just one ingredient- lamb or liver is best- that you make in your own house with a DEHYDRATOR. (My human gets MY treats at MyJerkyLife.com. This is how they’re made. Maybe soon she’ll get a dehydrator, though.) Also- not too many treats- AND- if you do decide just to buy some off the shelf- NEVER BUY ANY MADE IN CHINA! One last thing- I, Sprout, happen to like rats. They can be very sweet, unless they get involved in central planning. Then their egos seem to take over. It takes the right Bored of Directors to get rid of THESE rats! (And, from a positive perspective - they taste like chicken.) ![]() CENTRAL PLANNING DOESN'T WORK Haven't posted for a while- it's been very time consuming choosing a BORED of DIRECTORS. The requirement is that all members must work with 2 KEYS. Love and Forgiveness. I am happy to announce that ALL of our members qualify :) But about those keys Humans don't seem to understand. This is so SAD, because they have A WHOLE BUNCH MORE, but don't use them. They don't even CARE. What's MOST upsetting is that they could work with these keys to create HEAVEN ON EARTH. (Central planning teaches this is not true, but it is.) WE, on the other hand, cannot CREATE. It's because of brainwaves. OURS cycle between 1-7 cycles per second. (Same with children, up to age 7.) This means we only RECEIVE the energy around us- we can't analyze it, or connect to the right bran hemisphere to VISUALIZE. Humans CAN do all this. Their brainwaves go from an average of 10 all the way up to 20. But 9 out of 10 humans only work with the lower brainwaves. This means 90% of them act pretty much like animals, minus the love and forgiveness. Because of this, instead of solving problems, they just create more. For many years now they've been putting lower brainwave humans in CHARGE of their major areas of influence, too. This is why some of us are BORED OF DIRECTORS.. Anyway, the past few days my human has been upset about something she's watching on YouTube. I can see the colors in her FIELD (we're very good at that!) She keeps saying THE CIRCLE OF STUPIDITY IS NOW COMPLETE. But when SHE'S upset, so am I. Same thing with health- she has to be healthy for ME to be healthy! (I wonder if she knows this.) I say LET'S PLAY. I'll bring a toy, you throw it. I bring it back you clap. And throw again. Instead of getting upset over central planning, just use your OWN keys. You can't control whether or not they use THEIRS. Do you remember the main ones? Forgiveness, Peacemaking, Authority, Love, Unity, Giving Speaking of which, give me a treat.
WHO DICTATES YOUR REALITY? by Sprout and Cathy D. Slaght
My human has been reading the IG report on scribd.com She won't just listen to what the media's saying - and, it DOES turn out the MSM has not reported its contents accurately. (to be fair, 500+ pages would burn out a teleprompter) But I want to play. AND- she should know by now that humans are surrounded by all the building materials they need to create the life they desire. THE KICKER - these materials can only be accessed with the mind and heart being in a state of HIGH voltage- like LOVE Okay, I've figured it out - she's doing HO'OPONOPONO. The idea is that we are all ONE, so each human plays a part in EVERYTHING. (That's why spreading hate never helps ANYTHING.) When reading text messages between some of the agents, for example, she says:
Ordinarily I would say ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ But her energy is looking better. Apparently a number of FBI agents thought the American people had nothing burgers for brains. But to me, THEY aren't all that smart, either, using government devices to text such damaging information. She just continues to say: I'm so sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you. It seems that many are figuring out that THE NEW PARADIGM IS LOVE This means letting go of the past- a direction the FBI seems willing to consider unless it involves TRUMP in any way. Meanwhile, I continue to work with my peers- dogs,cats, birds, squirrels, rabbits...and so on... and a hard tree-shaking may be in order. Today one of them is after some chickens who thought THEY controlled everything. And, in all fairness, it does look like many are ready to leave the coop.
ALL HATE, ALL THE TIME? by Sprout and Cathy D. Slaght
First of all, thanks to all who called/texted to say they agreed that I would make a great boss of the world. I really appreciate it. Am trying not to be afraid, but AM. And yes, humans are far more qualified, but at this time group consciousness is needed. That's the problem- it looks like they all hate each other. So, here goes- the heart of my BOSS OF THE WORLD platform is Love and Compassion. First is Love for the Creator, Who is the Source of all Power. It's not just about some external reality, ether. The spark of this Power is in all humans. This awareness should be life's primary focus. Humans can draw on it any time, but many ignore or deny it. (I don't deny it, though, because I can SEE it. ALL animals can.) Of course, humans have free will to do as they choose, which kind of negates my BOSS idea... ...but just let me say that this LOVE thing is what makes them special. Since emotions are scalar wave energy- they pull in information from the Cosmos based on their emotions. Soon we'll talk a little more about this. But, first, let me tell you something I WILL NOT TOLERATE: COOPS. I hear what my human listens to on YouTube. Apparently a COOP has been going on against the American president for some time now. They pronounce it COO- but this is nothing to do with DOVES. The only COOP I know about is for chickens. It sounds like someone is placing chickens in SECRET COOPS.. They break out from time to time to PECK. Some humans have already been pecked to death. . There will be none of these COOPS once I am boss of the world. AND, while I don't want anything BAD to happen to these chickens- I love them, just not their actions.., ... growing numbers are starting to say FRIED? ROASTED? This could get out of hand, so STOP IT now. Chickens often peck because they think it's necessary for their survival. Can we just move on? There's WORK to do! We animals are here to help. Today's image is of my new assistant.
NEXT STEP: Love for Self and Fellow Man.
![]() LEAVE YOUR FUTURE TO ME by Sprout and Cathy D. Slaght My human has had some kind of flu. She's better, but we haven't been to the dog park even one time in over a week. I am SO bored. But I'm also familiar with Natural Law, so have been looking for the positive- found it today: I AM TO BE THE BOSS OF THE WORLD For one thing, I notice EVERYTHING. Not humans. They just see what they want to see, which can be quite mundane. AND- just because I notice things doesn't mean I automatically come to conclusions. Like they usually do. Even if I come to a conclusion, I am willing to change it. Not them, most of the time. Anyway, she disappeared for a while today, coming home with a National Enquirer, plus a treat for me. Could have done without the Enquirer. But there was a headline that had caught her eye- RFK JR CONFRONTS DADS KILLER It seems the son finally figured out SIRHAN wasn't the one who killed his father. Back then very few knew that 76 witnesses had seen SIRHAN standing in front of Kennedy, and yet the shots had come from behind. The locusts- I mean media- didn't report it. The jury never saw the evidence, either. There were plenty of eyewitnesses, but back then news traveled slowly. Now, it's the opposite. There's so much information flying around that it seems to be scrambling peoples' thoughts. What a shame- THEIR thoughts are living forces. They came in equipped to create with them, but somehow don't understand. Okay, it looks like the RFK thing is all she was interested in. Now she's online, reading about some famous people who recently committed suicide. What about veterans? Does she know, or care, about THAT suicide rate? One every 64 seconds. So, I stood up tall and let her know that I am now assuming the role of BOSS OF THE WORLD. Humans have screwed it up. She's not getting it. “WHO has named you boss?” she's asking. “ME” I reply. “That's what THEY DO , tell everybody they're the boss. They like to wag their fingers at all of you, too, saying everything is your fault. The latest-”All you women who couldn't vote correctly need to go to a psychiatrist.” (I have a piercing bark, which will have to do.) “Don't judge by appearances”, she's saying. It's just .1% of reality... ... and she's rolling up the Enquirer. Rabies onset, possibly. So, for now, on to my treat. I'll be back. ![]() NO (COMMON) SENSE AT ALL? by Sprout and Cathy D. Slaght There's nothing but rain here. I will NOT go out in WATER, it's too much like a BATH. This is becoming a problem. But, the good news- from what I've observed about the world so far, humans appear to have absolutely no common sense when it comes to dealing with poop. So, I strategically hid 2 piles of it behind the chair in the bedroom. Surely she won't see it, there's so much going on around here. (much of it thanks to ME, as I plan on keeping her distracted.) Okay, she's seen it. BUT- I know how to manage the human psyche. For starters: 1. Deny and Counter-accuse. THIS IS NOT POOP. IT IS A NECESSARY RELEASE OF TOXINS FROM MY SYSTEM. IT WAS FOR YOUR OWN GOOD, SO YOU WOULDN'T HAVE TO TAKE ME OUT IN THE RAIN. PLUS-- I NOTICE YOU LEAVE YOUR SHOES ON THE FLOOR WHEN YOU TAKE THEM OFF. She looks angry. Hands are on hips. It's not my fault the chair is in the room with the new carpet. On to the next step:
But she's saying “This can't continue.” I must go to the HATE platform:
Answer a simple YES OR NO she demands: DID YOU POOP BEHIND THE CHAIR? “ Yes DID YOU HIDE IT BECAUSE YOU KNEW IT WAS WRONG? Yes WOW- are humans figuring out that to have power over their reality they cannot be pulled into the distortion of facts? If so, there are other piles of poop that need to be dealt with, such as... ...allowing people to die of hunger in this world of plenty ... protecting the innocent by bombing them ...amassing enough weapons to turn the planet into a parking lot. And so on. If that's what's really happening, I can go into relaxation mode, knowing my true work is done ![]() HUMANS DON'T KNOW THE RULES! by Sprout and Cathy D. Slaght NEWS BULLETIN- there's a recall on some dog treats. Click the link below. But here at the house, life goes on. My human is having a fish taco and glass of wine. She's conflicted about this- I can see it in her energy. She's thinking she should have gone to the health food store and gotten some spelt flour and garbazo beans and other weird stuff for some new eating plan. I say – along with UGH- that she should remember NOT to misuse her thoughts and feelings like this. Humans do it all the time, though, because they don't realize that thoughts and feelings are powerful living forces. .. ...and they are REALLY powerful – like 10,000 times more- when they come from the unconscious mind, like when a program is running. Because of knowing about programs, I was glad when we didn't get to go to the Dog Bar for the replay of the Royal Wedding. (It was POURING rain.) I didn't want to have a part of anything related to PRINCESS PROGRAMMING. Almost all women have this running in their consciousness. They believe, down deep, that a prince is going to come in on a white horse and rescue them. It's submerged, but there, creating information fields that order their physical world, and, as a result, create all kinds of disasters. Many are starting to figure this out, not just about this one program, but the MANY. I can SEE what happens- it looks like some kind of DOOR opens up, and they step through. Anyway, I have a another concern that takes priority. My human was talking on the phone about how I wouldn't go out when it was raining. The other person – my hearing is SHARP-- said people were to be the boss of dogs, not the other way around. We know this is not true. But today a package came. It appears to be a small yellow raincoat. She'd agreed to no more TIES-- but RAINCOATS were not mentioned. I, the ALPHA DOG, BOSS OF THE FAMILY, may have been tricked. Because of that, I'm telling. She's gotten into the crackers. ![]() WHOLE BUNCH OF BEAMING GOING ON by Sprout and Cathy D. Slaght Hello, it seems my name is Sprout. SEEMS, because it could also be NO BITE or POTTY OUTSIDE. Anyway, I was sent to join my human – there are no accidents- because further training on energy was necessarily. I can see the REAL WORLD- which is the fields and forces that are constantly beaming down. Humans process these beams, but don't seem to realize it. It seems to work out better if they do. But how to explain a field... ...okay, take consciousness, for example. It's a field. And what does a field do? It conveys information. The higher a human's consciousness, the more beneficial information they pull in from the beams. Bear with me, as I must figure out how to best explain all this, and then get my human to type it out correctly...this is just a warm up post... ...but, for just one example, I can see a person's field of consciousness. Also- and this is not the same as consciousness, but close- I can tell if a human is mostly GOOD or mostly BAD by looking at their HEART field. It appears humans are mostly GOOD. (Nothing is ever ALL) One more thing- I get an SRC4U Software session almost every day! Today my words to ponder were “benign is what you'll be after you be eight.” But I have a long ways to go- on May 24th I'll be six months old. |
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