CENTRAL PLANNING DOESN'T WORK Haven't posted for a while- it's been very time consuming choosing a BORED of DIRECTORS. The requirement is that all members must work with 2 KEYS. Love and Forgiveness. I am happy to announce that ALL of our members qualify :) But about those keys Humans don't seem to understand. This is so SAD, because they have A WHOLE BUNCH MORE, but don't use them. They don't even CARE. What's MOST upsetting is that they could work with these keys to create HEAVEN ON EARTH. (Central planning teaches this is not true, but it is.) WE, on the other hand, cannot CREATE. It's because of brainwaves. OURS cycle between 1-7 cycles per second. (Same with children, up to age 7.) This means we only RECEIVE the energy around us- we can't analyze it, or connect to the right bran hemisphere to VISUALIZE. Humans CAN do all this. Their brainwaves go from an average of 10 all the way up to 20. But 9 out of 10 humans only work with the lower brainwaves. This means 90% of them act pretty much like animals, minus the love and forgiveness. Because of this, instead of solving problems, they just create more. For many years now they've been putting lower brainwave humans in CHARGE of their major areas of influence, too. This is why some of us are BORED OF DIRECTORS.. Anyway, the past few days my human has been upset about something she's watching on YouTube. I can see the colors in her FIELD (we're very good at that!) She keeps saying THE CIRCLE OF STUPIDITY IS NOW COMPLETE. But when SHE'S upset, so am I. Same thing with health- she has to be healthy for ME to be healthy! (I wonder if she knows this.) I say LET'S PLAY. I'll bring a toy, you throw it. I bring it back you clap. And throw again. Instead of getting upset over central planning, just use your OWN keys. You can't control whether or not they use THEIRS. Do you remember the main ones? Forgiveness, Peacemaking, Authority, Love, Unity, Giving Speaking of which, give me a treat.
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